use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{format_err, Context};
use byteorder::{BigEndian, LittleEndian};
use derive_builder::Builder;
use ndarray::{Array1, Array2, Array4, ShapeBuilder};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::angmom::spinor_rotation_3d::SpinConstraint;
use crate::drivers::representation_analysis::angular_function::AngularFunctionRepAnalysisParams;
use crate::drivers::representation_analysis::slater_determinant::{
SlaterDeterminantRepAnalysisDriver, SlaterDeterminantRepAnalysisParams,
use crate::drivers::representation_analysis::MagneticSymmetryAnalysisKind;
use crate::drivers::symmetry_group_detection::SymmetryGroupDetectionDriver;
use crate::drivers::QSym2Driver;
use crate::interfaces::input::analysis::SlaterDeterminantSourceHandle;
use crate::interfaces::input::ao_basis::InputBasisAngularOrder;
use crate::interfaces::input::SymmetryGroupDetectionInputKind;
use crate::io::numeric::NumericReader;
use crate::io::{read_qsym2_binary, QSym2FileType};
use crate::symmetry::symmetry_group::{
MagneticRepresentedSymmetryGroup, UnitaryRepresentedSymmetryGroup,
use crate::target::determinant::SlaterDeterminant;
#[path = ""]
mod binaries_tests;
#[derive(Clone, Builder, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct BinariesSlaterDeterminantSource {
pub xyz: PathBuf,
pub sao: PathBuf,
#[builder(default = "None")]
pub sao_4c: Option<PathBuf>,
pub coefficients: Vec<PathBuf>,
pub occupations: Vec<PathBuf>,
pub bao: InputBasisAngularOrder,
pub spin_constraint: SpinConstraint,
pub matrix_order: MatrixOrder,
pub byte_order: ByteOrder,
impl BinariesSlaterDeterminantSource {
fn builder() -> BinariesSlaterDeterminantSourceBuilder {
impl Default for BinariesSlaterDeterminantSource {
fn default() -> Self {
BinariesSlaterDeterminantSource {
xyz: PathBuf::from("path/to/xyz"),
sao: PathBuf::from("path/to/2c/ao/overlap/matrix"),
sao_4c: None,
coefficients: vec![
occupations: vec![
bao: InputBasisAngularOrder::default(),
spin_constraint: SpinConstraint::Unrestricted(2, false),
matrix_order: MatrixOrder::default(),
byte_order: ByteOrder::default(),
impl SlaterDeterminantSourceHandle for BinariesSlaterDeterminantSource {
type Outcome = (String, String);
fn sd_source_handle(
pd_params_inp: &SymmetryGroupDetectionInputKind,
afa_params: &AngularFunctionRepAnalysisParams,
sda_params: &SlaterDeterminantRepAnalysisParams<f64>,
) -> Result<Self::Outcome, anyhow::Error> {
let pd_res = match pd_params_inp {
SymmetryGroupDetectionInputKind::Parameters(pd_params) => {
let mut pd_driver = SymmetryGroupDetectionDriver::builder()
.with_context(|| "Unable to construct a symmetry-group detection driver when handling custom Slater determinant source")?;|| {
"Unable to run the symmetry-group detection driver successfully when handling custom Slater determinant source"
.with_context(|| "Unable to retrieve the symmetry-group detection result when handling custom Slater determinant source")?
SymmetryGroupDetectionInputKind::FromFile(pd_res_file) => {
read_qsym2_binary(pd_res_file, QSym2FileType::Sym).with_context(|| {
"Unable to read `{}.qsym2.sym` when handling custom Slater determinant source",
let mol = &pd_res.pre_symmetry.recentred_molecule;
let bao = self.bao.to_basis_angular_order(mol)
.with_context(|| "Unable to digest the input basis angular order information when handling custom Slater determinant source")?;
let n_spatial = bao.n_funcs();
let sao_v = match self.byte_order {
ByteOrder::LittleEndian => {
NumericReader::<_, LittleEndian, f64>::from_file(&self.sao)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified two-centre SAO file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
ByteOrder::BigEndian => {
NumericReader::<_, BigEndian, f64>::from_file(&self.sao)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified two-centre SAO file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let sao = match self.matrix_order {
MatrixOrder::RowMajor => Array2::from_shape_vec((n_spatial, n_spatial), sao_v)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to construct an AO overlap matrix from the read-in row-major binary file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
MatrixOrder::ColMajor => Array2::from_shape_vec((n_spatial, n_spatial).f(), sao_v)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to construct an AO overlap matrix from the read-in column-major binary file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let sao_4c = if let Some(sao_4c_path) = self.sao_4c.as_ref() {
let sao_4c_v = match self.byte_order {
ByteOrder::LittleEndian => {
NumericReader::<_, LittleEndian, f64>::from_file(sao_4c_path)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified four-centre SAO file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
ByteOrder::BigEndian => {
NumericReader::<_, BigEndian, f64>::from_file(sao_4c_path)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified four-centre SAO file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let sao_4c = match self.matrix_order {
MatrixOrder::RowMajor => Array4::from_shape_vec((n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial), sao_4c_v)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to construct a four-centre AO overlap matrix from the read-in row-major binary file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
MatrixOrder::ColMajor => Array4::from_shape_vec((n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial).f(), sao_4c_v)
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to construct a four-centre AO overlap matrix from the read-in column-major binary file when handling custom Slater determinant source"
} else {
let cs_v = match self.byte_order {
ByteOrder::LittleEndian => self
.map(|c_path| {
NumericReader::<_, LittleEndian, f64>::from_file(c_path)
.map(|r| r.collect::<Vec<_>>())
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified coefficient binary file(s) when handling custom Slater determinant source"
ByteOrder::BigEndian => self
.map(|c_path| {
NumericReader::<_, BigEndian, f64>::from_file(c_path)
.map(|r| r.collect::<Vec<_>>())
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified coefficient binary file(s) when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let cs = match self.matrix_order {
MatrixOrder::RowMajor => cs_v
.map(|c_v| {
let nmo = c_v.len().div_euclid(n_spatial);
Array2::from_shape_vec((n_spatial, nmo), c_v)
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to construct coefficient matrix (matrices) from the read-in row-major binary file(s) when handling custom Slater determinant source"
MatrixOrder::ColMajor => cs_v
.map(|c_v| {
let nmo = c_v.len().div_euclid(n_spatial);
Array2::from_shape_vec((n_spatial, nmo).f(), c_v)
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to construct coefficient matrix (matrices) from the read-in column-major binary file(s) when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let occs = match self.byte_order {
ByteOrder::LittleEndian => self
.map(|occ_path| {
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(Array1::from_vec(
NumericReader::<_, LittleEndian, f64>::from_file(occ_path)
.map(|r| r.collect::<Vec<f64>>())?,
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read the specified occupation binary file(s) when handling custom Slater determinant source"
ByteOrder::BigEndian => self
.map(|occ_path| {
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(Array1::from_vec(
NumericReader::<_, BigEndian, f64>::from_file(occ_path)
.map(|r| r.collect::<Vec<f64>>())?,
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.with_context(|| {
"Unable to read occupation binary file(s) when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let det = SlaterDeterminant::<f64>::builder()
.with_context(|| "Failed to construct a Slater determinant when handling custom Slater determinant source")?;
match &sda_params.use_magnetic_group {
Some(MagneticSymmetryAnalysisKind::Corepresentation) => {
let mut sda_driver = SlaterDeterminantRepAnalysisDriver::<
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to construct a Slater determinant corepresentation analysis driver when handling custom Slater determinant source"
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to execute the Slater determinant corepresentation analysis driver successfully when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let group_name = pd_res
.and_then(|magsym| magsym.group_name.clone())
.ok_or(format_err!("Magnetic group name not found when handling custom Slater determinant source."))?;
let sym = sda_driver
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to obtain corepresentation analysis result when handling custom Slater determinant source"
.map_err(|err| format_err!(err.clone()))
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to obtain determinant symmetry from corepresentation analysis result when handling custom Slater determinant source"
Ok((group_name, sym))
Some(MagneticSymmetryAnalysisKind::Representation) | None => {
let mut sda_driver = SlaterDeterminantRepAnalysisDriver::<
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to construct a Slater determinant representation analysis driver when handling custom Slater determinant source"
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to execute the Slater determinant representation analysis driver successfully when handling custom Slater determinant source"
let group_name = if sda_params.use_magnetic_group.is_none() {
.ok_or(format_err!("Unitary group name not found when handling custom Slater determinant source."))?.clone()
} else {
.and_then(|magsym| magsym.group_name.clone())
.ok_or(format_err!("Magnetic group name not found when handling custom Slater determinant source."))?
let sym = sda_driver
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to obtain representation analysis result when handling custom Slater determinant source"
.map_err(|err| format_err!(err.clone()))
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to obtain determinant symmetry from representation analysis result when handling custom Slater determinant source"
Ok((group_name, sym))
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MatrixOrder {
impl Default for MatrixOrder {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ByteOrder {
impl Default for ByteOrder {
fn default() -> Self {