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Electron densities

Let \(\rho(\mathbfit{r})\) be the one-electron density defined based on an \(N_{\mathrm{e}}\)-electron wavefunction \(\Psi(\mathbfit{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbfit{x}_{N_{\mathrm{e}}})\) as

\[ \rho(\mathbfit{r}) = N_{\mathrm{e}} \int \Psi(\mathbfit{r}, s, \mathbfit{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbfit{x}_{N_{\mathrm{e}}})^* \Psi(\mathbfit{r}, s, \mathbfit{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbfit{x}_{N_{\mathrm{e}}}) \ \mathrm{d}s \ \mathrm{d}\mathbfit{x}_2 \ldots \mathrm{d}\mathbfit{x}_{N_{\mathrm{e}}}. \]

In an atomic-orbital basis \(\{ \phi_{\gamma}(\mathbfit{r}), \phi_{\delta}(\mathbfit{r}), \ldots \}\), the density \(\rho(\mathbfit{r})\) can be expanded as

\[ \rho(\mathbfit{r}) = \sum_{\gamma \delta} \phi_{\gamma}(\mathbfit{r}) \phi_{\delta}(\mathbfit{r}) P_{\delta \gamma}, \]

where \(P_{\delta \gamma}\) are elements of the corresponding density matrix \(\mathbfit{P}\) in this basis. QSym² is able to provide symmetry assignments for electron densities and derived quantities — the mathematical details of this can be found in Section 2.4.2 of the QSym² paper.


Basis overlap matrix

As explained in Section 2.4.2 of the QSym² paper, the symmetry analysis of electron densities requires four-centre overlap integrals:

\[ \braket{\phi_{\gamma} \phi_{\delta} | \phi_{\gamma'} \phi_{\delta'}} = \int \phi_{\gamma}^*(\mathbfit{r}) \phi_{\delta}^*(\mathbfit{r}) \phi_{\gamma'}(\mathbfit{r}) \phi_{\delta'}(\mathbfit{r}) \ \mathrm{d}\mathbfit{r}. \]

Few programs are known to have these integrals computed as part of their routine calculations. QSym² therefore has implementations to calculate these integrals (and their complex-symmetric versions), provided that the full basis set information is provided (see Integral evaluation).

Atomic-orbital basis angular order

As electron densities are expanded in atomic-orbital bases in QSym², information about their angular momenta and ordering conventions as described in Basics/Requirements/#Atomic-orbital basis angular order is required. Whenever possible, QSym² will attempt to construct the basis angular order information from available data, but if this cannot be done, then the required information must be provided manually (see Basics/Requirements/#Atomic-orbital basis angular order for details).


Feature requirements

QSym² is able to perform symmetry analysis for electron densities that can arise from various sources. In particular, electron densities constructed in Hartree–Fock theory or Kohn–Sham density-functional theory can already be symmetry-analysed alongside Slater determinants and molecular orbitals (see Slater determinants). On the other hand, electron densities that can be obtained in other theories (e.g. coupled-cluster or orbital-free density-functional theory) can be symmetry-analysed in QSym² via the Python library API reading in data from Python data structures. The way to do this is shown below.

from qsym2 import (
    EigenvalueComparisonMode, #(1)!
    MagneticSymmetryAnalysisKind, #(2)!
    SymmetryTransformationKind, #(3)!

dmao_a = np.array([ #(4)!
    [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
    [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0],
    [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.8],
dmao_b = np.array([
    [0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0],
    [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.8],

pydens = [ #(5)!
        "alpha_density", PyDensityReal( #(6)!
            complex_symmetric=False, #(7)!
            density_matrix=dmao_a, #(8)!
            threshold=1e-7, #(9)!
        "beta_density", PyDensityReal(
        "total_density", PyDensityReal(
        "spin_density", PyDensityReal(

basis_set = ... #(10)!
sao_spatial_4c = calc_overlap_4c_real(basis_set)

rep_analyse_densities( #(11)!
    # Data
    inp_sym="mol", #(12)!
    pydens=pydens, #(13)!
    pybao=pybao, #(14)!
    sao_spatial_4c=sao_spatial_4c, #(15)!
    sao_spatial_4c_h=None, #(16)!
    # Thresholds
    linear_independence_threshold=1e-7, #(17)!
    integrality_threshold=1e-7, #(18)!
    eigenvalue_comparison_mode=EigenvalueComparisonMode.Modulus, #(19)!
    # Analysis options
    use_magnetic_group=None, #(20)!
    use_double_group=False, #(21)!
    use_cayley_table=True, #(22)!
    symmetry_transformation_kind=SymmetryTransformationKind.Spatial, #(23)!
    infinite_order_to_finite=None, #(24)!
    # Other options
    write_character_table=True, #(25)!
  1. This is a Python-exposed Rust enum, EigenvalueComparisonMode, for indicating the mode of eigenvalue comparison. See Basics/Thresholds/Linear independence threshold/#Comparison mode for further information.
  2. This is a Python-exposed Rust enum, MagneticSymmetryAnalysisKind, for indicating the type of magnetic symmetry to be used for symmetry analysis. See Basics/Analysis options/#Magnetic groups for further information.
  3. This is a Python-exposed Rust enum, SymmetryTransformationKind, for indicating the kind of symmetry transformation to be applied on the target. See Basics/Analysis options/#Transformation kinds for further information.
  4. This specifies a density matrix in the atomic-orbital basis, \(\mathbfit{P}\), for one electron density, which is a \(N_{\mathrm{bas}} \times N_{\mathrm{bas}}\) numpy array. The number of basis functions, \(N_{\mathrm{bas}}\), is always the number of spatial basis functions because electron densities are entirely spatial quantities.
  5. This specifies a list of densities to be symmetry-analysed. Each element in this list is a tuple containing a brief string description for the density and a specification for the density itself.
  6. The classes PyDensityReal and PyDensityComplex are Python-exposed Rust structures to marshall real or complex electron density information between Rust and Python.
  7. This specifies whether the electron densities are to be considered with respect to an inner product space where the conventional sesquilinear inner product has been replaced by a bilinear form.
  8. This specifies the density matrix \(\mathbfit{P}\) for this density.
  9. This specifies a threshold for comparing electron densities. This is of no consequence for symmetry analysis.
  10. This specifies the basis set for evaluating the required four-centre overlap integrals. The details of this specification can be found in Integral evalulation.
  11. This is the Python driver function for representation analysis of electron densities.

    This is a Python-exposed Rust function, rep_analyse_densities. See the API documentation of this function for more details.
  12. This specifies the path to the .qsym2.sym file that contains the serialised results of the symmetry-group detection (see the documentation for the out_sym parameter of the Python detect_symmetry_group function in Symmetry-group detection/#Parameters). This file should have been generated by the detect_symmetry_group function on the underlying molecular system prior to representation analysis.

    This name does not need to contain the .qsym2.sym extension.

    The symmetry results in this file will be used to construct the symmetry group \(\mathcal{G}\) to be used in the subsequent representation analysis.
  13. This specifies the electron densities to be symmetry-analysed.
  14. This specifies the basis angular order information for the underlying basis. See Basics/Requirements/#Atomic-orbital basis angular order for details of how to specify this.
  15. This specifies the four-centre atomic-orbital spatial overlap tensor as a four-dimensional numpy array.
  16. This specifies the optional complex-symmetric four-centre atomic-orbital spatial overlap tensor as a four-dimensional numpy array. This is only required for density symmetry analysis in the presence of antiunitary operations.

    Default: None.
  17. This specifies a floating-point value for the linear independence threshold \(\lambda^{\mathrm{thresh}}_{\mathbfit{S}}\). For more information, see Basics/#Thresholds.
  18. This specifies a floating-point value for the integrality threshold \(\lambda^{\mathrm{thresh}}_{\mathrm{int}}\). For more information, see Basics/#Thresholds.
  19. This specifies the threshold comparison mode for the eigenvalues of the orbit overlap matrix \(\mathbfit{S}\). The possible options are:
    • EigenvalueComparisonMode.Real: this specifies the real comparison mode where the real parts of the eigenvalues are compared against the threshold,
    • EigenvalueComparisonMode.Modulus: this specifies the modulus comparison mode where the absolute values of the eigenvalues are compared against the threshold.
    • For more information, see Basics/#Thresholds.
  20. This specifies whether magnetic groups, if present, shall be used for symmetry analysis. The possible options are:
  21. This is a boolean specifying if double groups shall be used for symmetry analysis. The possible options are:
    • False: use only conventional irreducible representations or corepresentations of \(\mathcal{G}\),
    • True: use projective irreducible representations or corepresentations of \(\mathcal{G}\) obtainable via its double cover \(\mathcal{G}^*\).
    • For more information, see Basics/Analysis options/#Double groups.
  22. This is a boolean specifying if the Cayley table for the group, if available, should be used to speed up the computation of orbit overlap matrices.

    Default: True.
  23. This specifies the kind of symmetry transformations to be applied to generate the orbit for symmetry analysis. The possible options are:
    • SymmetryTransformationKind.Spatial: spatial transformation only,
    • SymmetryTransformationKind.SpatialWithSpinTimeReversal: spatial transformation with spin-including time reversal,
    • SymmetryTransformationKind.Spin: spin transformation only,
    • SymmetryTransformationKind.SpinSpatial: coupled spin and spatial transformations.
    • For more information, see Basics/Analysis options/#Transformation kinds.
  24. This specifies the finite order \(n\) to which all infinite-order symmetry elements, if any, are restricted. The possible options are:
    • None: do not restrict infinite-order symmetry elements to finite order,
    • a positive integer value: restrict all infinite-order symmetry elements to this finite order (this will be ignored if the system has no infinite-order symmetry elements).
    • For more information, see Basics/Analysis options/#Infinite-order symmetry elements.

      Default: None.
  25. This boolean indicates if the symbolic character table of the prevailing symmetry group is to be printed in the output.

    Default: True.